02 June 2021
Prince of Wales, Our Latest News
The announcement of Hornby’s new range of LNER Class P2 locomotives was without doubt one of the highlights of the 2021 range. It is always exciting to begin development on a large locomotive but...
01 June 2021
As part of the continued application of modern techniques in the design and development of the improved class P2, The A1 Steam Locomotive Trust has commissioned Frewer & Co Engineers Ltd of...
21 May 2021
P2 Roadshow for 2021 and 2022 The A1 Steam Locomotive Trust, also the builders, owners and operators of 100mph famous new steam locomotive No. 60163 Tornado, will be holding a number of...
11 May 2021
Funds raised to build new Gresley class P2 No. 2007 Prince of Wales reached £3.9m We are thrilled to announce that all six machined coupling rods have now been delivered to Darlington...
14 April 2021
Further progress is being made a I D Howitt Ltd at Crofton, Wakefield with the tender frames. All the hornblocks have had their manganese steel liners finish machined and are now permanently...
13 April 2021
Meiningen continues to make good progress with both the boiler for Prince of Wales and the spare for both engines (all photos by DB Meiningen unless stated). The outer firebox is welded to the...