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The Injectors Club

How to join The Injector Club

No. 2007 Prince of Wales will require both a live and exhaust steam injector. Using a series of converging and diverging cones, a live steam injector is used to deliver cold water into the boiler against its own pressure, using its boiler steam with no moving parts. 

The exhaust steam injector is even more complex as it is capable of running on exhaust steam from the cylinders when power is applied or live steam when the regulator is closed. By re-using steam that would otherwise be exhausted through the chimney, it provides a worthwhile saving in coal and water.

In 2017, the Trust was very fortunate to be able to acquire a brand new Davies and Metcalfe Monitor live steam injector – part of a batch of ten manufactured for a consortium of Bulleid ‘Pacific’ owners – from Merchant Navy class No. 35006 Peninsular & Oriental S. N. Co. based at the Gloucestershire Warwickshire Railway.

The cleaned Class K injector and the pattern for No. 71000’s injector – A1SLT

The Trust is manufacturing a new Davies and Metcalfe class K exhaust steam injector using patterns borrowed from No. 71000 Duke of Gloucester and also measuring an example borrowed from No. 70000 Britannia. All the interior components have been drawn as 3D CAD models by Martin Shepherd whilst David Elliott has completed the 3D modelling of the injector body.

Davies and Metcalfe 12mm LV Live Steam Injector – A1SLT

In order to keep on schedule to complete No. 2007 within the next three years, we need to have both injectors ready for installation at Darlington Locomotive Works in 2025. We estimate that the live and exhaust steam injectors will have cost around £50,000 to acquire, manufacture and install. It is therefore our aim is to raise at least £50,000 with The Injectors Club from 50 supporters each donating £1,000 plus Gift Aid (in up to four payments of £250). In October 2024, we are just eight club members short of our target.

Members receive the following special benefits:

  • Opportunity to buy ticket (seat already reserved) on one of the first trains hauled by No. 2007 Prince of Wales
  • Reasonable access to No. 2007 at all times
  • First choice of components to sponsor as a Dedicated Donation
  • Special supporters’ day with Tornado
  • Exclusive certificate signed by the design team of David Elliott, Daniela Filová and Martin Shepherd
  • A limited-edition injectors coaster
  • Invitation to a steam test of the new injectors.

If you would like to support No. 2007 Prince of Wales by joining The Injectors Club then please either complete the on-line forms in section 1 or download the forms in section 2 below:

Section 1: on-line donation

May we also draw your attention to the Trust’s privacy policy which details the manner in which we treat any personal data that you send us. Please also print this out and read carefully.

Section 2: download the form

If you would like to support No. 2007 by joining The Injector Club then the form below will enable you to do so. 

Please DOWNLOAD, print out, complete and return it to us at the address shown.

May we also draw your attention to the Trust’s privacy policy which details the manner in which we treat any personal data that you send us. Please also print this out and read carefully.

Section 3: recruit a friend

You can see full details of The Turbogen Club here – please share this with your friends!

This Club is raising funds for the acquisition of turbo-generators for the new Gresley class P2 No. 2007 Prince of Wales. If there are surplus funds left over following the acquisition of the turbo-generators, we will use the money to buy other components for the Gresley class P2 that the charity would not otherwise have.