23 June 2019
Prince of Wales, Our Latest News
Vacancy: Steam Locomotive Fitter (Engineering Technician) *Previous applicants need not re-apply* An exciting opportunity has arisen to join The A1 Steam Locomotive Trust (A1SLT) as an Steam...
Vacancy: Senior Steam Locomotive Fitter (Engineering Technician) *Previous applicants need not re-apply* An exciting opportunity has arisen to join The A1 Steam Locomotive Trust (A1SLT) as a...
21 June 2019
The A1 Steam Locomotive Trust places million-pound order for two new boilers for steam locomotives Prince of Wales and Tornado. We are pleased to announce that we have placed a £1m order with...
06 June 2019
AN AUDIENCE WITH THE PRINCE OF WALES COMING TO NEWCASTLE Update on the project to build Gresley class P2 No. 2007 Prince of Wales - Britain’s most powerful steam locomotive The project to build...
05 June 2019
Sponsor a component and help to build Britain’s most powerful steam locomotive As the project to build Prince of Wales prepares for the delivery of the heavy motion, only five years after its...
24 May 2019
FUNDRAISING FOR THE MOTION OF BRITAIN’S MOST POWERFUL STEAM LOCOMOTIVE PASSES THREE-QUARTERS OF IT’S £210,000 TARGET - Heavy motion blooms are awaiting forging We are pleased to announce that The...