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The Boiler Club

How to join The Boiler Club – the race is on to get up steam!

The boiler is the beating heart of any steam locomotive and to keep the construction of No. 2007 Prince of Wales on schedule for completion within the next three years we ordered the boiler in June 2019 for delivery in 2024.

No. 2007’s boiler in detail:

  • Use of diagram 118A boiler from No. 60163 Tornado with detailed modifications to improve overhaul life, designated diagram 118B
  • Interchangeable with Tornado’s boiler
  • Tornado’s boiler is 17in shorter than the original class P2’s boiler – No. 2007’s smoke box will be extended within the cladding
  • 250psi of No. 60163’s boiler will be retained to improve economy and increase maximum power.

Following the success of The Founders Club, which was designed to get to the P2 Project to the point of cutting No. 2007’s frames, in October 2014 we established The Boiler Club to fund the construction of Prince of Wales’ boiler. We set an initial target for The Founders Club of at least £100,000 from 100 ‘Founders’ but due to the overwhelming generosity of our supporters we actually raised £460,000 from over 360 donors.

It is our desire to leave No. 2007 Prince of Wales debt free upon completion and therefore our aim is to raise at least £600,000 for The Boiler Club from 300 supporters each donating £2,000 (plus Gift Aid) to the project (in up to 16 payments of £125). By summer 2024, The Boiler Club fundraising campaign had recruited over five-sixths its target membership with pledges of over £500,000 before Gift Aid. We are getting close to reachin our target, but cannot do this without people like you. For further information download the leaflet here.

In June 2019 the starting gun was fired with the order of two new boilers – one for No. 2007 and a spare for No. 60163 & No. 2007-  from DB Meiningen – and we now have just a few months to raise all of the funds necessary to pay for No. 2007’s boiler which will be delivered in 2024 – to do this we need more than one new member recruited to The Boiler Club every week!

Special benefits for members of The Boiler Club:

  • Opportunity to buy ticket (seat already reserved) on No. 2007’s first main line train
  • Reasonable access to No. 2007 at all times
  • Opportunity to buy exclusive Boiler Club badge
  • Opportunity to join one of the teams building No. 2007
  • First choice of other components to sponsor
  • Special limited edition version (signed/numbered) of the first official painting of No. 2007 Prince of Wales with No. 60163 Tornado by renowned railway artist Chris Ludlow
  • Special supporters’ day with Tornado

If you would like to support No. 2007 Prince of Wales by joining The Boiler Club then please either complete the on-line forms in section 1 or download the forms in section 2 below:

Section 1: on-line donation

I would like to donate £2,000 to become a member of The Boiler Club for Gresley class P2 No. 2007 Prince of Wales:

  • A single donation of £2,000.00
  • 8 monthly donations of £250.00
  • 16 monthly donations of £125.00

May we also draw your attention to the Trust’s privacy policy which details the manner in which we treat any personal data that you send us. Please also print this out and read carefully.

Section 2: Download the form

If you would like to support No. 2007 by becoming a member of The Boiler Club by post then the form below will enable you to do so. 

Please DOWNLOAD, print out, complete and return it to us at the address shown.

May we also draw your attention to the Trust’s privacy policy which details the manner in which we treat any personal data that you send us. Please also print this out and read carefully.

Section 3: recruit a friend

You can see full details of The Boiler Club here – please share this with your friends!

This club is raising funds for the manufacture of the boiler for the new Gresley class P2 No. 2007 Prince of Wales. If there are surplus funds left over following the manufacture of the boiler, we will use the money to purchase or manufacture other components for the Gresley class P2 that the charity would not otherwise have.