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£500 Donations

Donate £500 towards the permanent way at the new locomotive works, either in a lump sum or monthly payments of £100.

Please gift aid your donation so that the Trust can claim 25p for every £1 donated, meaning we receive £625 when you gift aid the £500 donation.

As thanks, all P-Way Gang contributors receive:

  • An invitation to the Trust’s annual convention, held in Darlington each autumn
  • An invitation to celebrate the opening of the new works
  • The Trust’s journal and newsletters on a regular basis
  • A special limited-edition print of Stephen Bainbridge’s ‘Locomotives of the future’ painting.

Join by Post

If you would like to support us by becoming a member of The P-Way Gang then mailing the form below will enable you to do so. 

Please DOWNLOAD, print out, complete and return it to us at the address shown.

May we also draw your attention to the Trust’s privacy policy which details the manner in which we treat any personal data that you send us.