Tornado is returning to the Severn Valley Railway (SVR) for the first time in four years to help the railway to celebrate its Golden Anniversary in style. This year marks 50 years since the birth of the Severn Valley Railway on 6th July 1965 and coincidentally also the 50th anniversary of the last passenger run by an original Peppercorn class A1 on 31st December 1965.
Fresh from her intermediate overhaul Tornado will arrive at the Severn Valley Railway on Tuesday 6th October 2015 and depart on Tuesday 27th October. The following activities are planned.
- Wednesday 7th to Friday 9th October – possible photo charters (tbc).
- Saturday 10th and Sunday 11th October – Tornado in passenger service.
- Thursday 15th October – Tornado on LNER teak train for members of The 163 Pacifics Club for No. 60163 Tornado and members of The Founders Club and The Boiler Club for Gresley class P2 No. 2007 Prince of Wales.
- Friday 16th October – Tornado on LNER teak train for Covenantors of both No. 60163 Tornado and No. 2007 Prince of Wales.
- Friday 16th October – Tornado to haul dining train (details tbc).
- Saturday 17th and Sunday 18th October – Tornado in passenger service.
- Thursday 22nd and Friday 23rd October - Tornado operating driver experience courses.
- Saturday 24th and Sunday 25th October – Tornado in passenger service.
- Monday 26th October – Tornado hosting members of the Tornado Team.
Nick Rails, General Manager, Severn Valley Railway commented, “We are all looking forward to Tornado’s return to the SVR because of its popularity, iconic status and of course it looks perfect hauling our LNER teak set of carriages through beautiful countryside!”
Mark Allatt, Chairman, The A1 Steam Locomotive Trust, followed this by saying, "We are delighted to be returning to the SVR for the first time in several years. It’s amazing to think that in the very year the Severn Valley Railway was formed the last Peppercorn class A1s were heading for the scrapyard. Fifty years later, still be fresh from her intermediate overhaul and newly repainted in her glorious apple green livery, new Peppercorn class A1 No. 60163 Tornado is the perfect companion for the Severn Valley Railway’s LNER teak train.”

Tornado hauls the LNER teak train on her first visit to the Severn Valley Railway in 2009 - Geoff Griffiths
The Trust respectfully requests that anyone wanting to see Tornado follows the rules of the railway and only goes where permitted.