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'Be-Spoke' fundraising scheme...

21 July 2014

Prince of Wales, Our Latest News

As funding pledges for new Gresley class P2 steam locomotive No. 2007 Prince of Wales pass the £1m milestone less than ten months after its launch, a new ‘be-spoke’ fundraising campaign has been...

Frames Christened

21 July 2014

Prince of Wales, Our Latest News

During a hugely successful weekend over the 18th - 20th July, VIPs, Founders, Covenantors and the general public were all able to view the tremendous progress being made with the construction of...

June 2014

18 July 2014

Mikado Messenger

Prince of Wales hits the road!

18 July 2014

Prince of Wales, Our Latest News

With the frames for new Gresley class P2 No. 2007 Prince of Wales now in place at Darlington Locomotive Works and all eight driving wheels ordered and in the process of being cast at William Cook...

Tornado hits the road!

18 July 2014

Tornado, Our Latest News

With the frames for new Gresley class P2 No. 2007 Prince of Wales now in place at Darlington Locomotive Works and all eight driving wheels ordered and in the process of being cast at William Cook...

June 2014

01 July 2014

Tornado, The Tornado Telegraph

June 2014